Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Digital Marketing User Experience for
Question: Portray about the Recognition of Problems, Pre-Interaction of Alternatives, and Post utilization assessment of Answer: Presentation With changes in the structure and presence of the advanced world, the experience of clients must be considered as being basic in nature. The experience of client has been turning into an amazingly mainstream include in the scene of advanced understanding. Be that as it may, as advertisers of the computerized world, there is absence of clearness in survey the experience of client, and how this experience brings about influencing the work being finished by the advertisers. The experience of advanced clients ought not exclusively be considered as the interface for the advertisers. The development in the space of computerized world, explicitly cell phones, is a change and a pattern that has been assembling a great deal of regard (Weiser, 2009). Various associations in the computerized world have been looking for imagination with the collaboration of aptitude who have been assisting with building responsive applications and sites and creating or tweaking the systems of advanced world. The re are various guidelines that are giving direction to the advanced organizations for redoing their existences on the web. Subsequently, it tends to be expressed that even the administration specialists have been helping the associations in improving the experience of the clients (Leifer, 2008). More prominent hopefulness with respect to the total scene of business has brought about greater financial plans of promoting. As the experience of clients is critical for the accomplishment of computerized organizations, this report will help in understanding various alternate points of view from that of the clients. This report will be mirroring the experience of clients in computerized showcasing as for this subject and making inferences relating for the system of advertising from the point of view of (chose association). Acknowledgment of Problems Psychological style is a main consideration of impact in the data looking for by the clients. In view of the expansion of data, the wellsprings of advanced libraries have been getting one of the most altogether utilized administrations on the web (Chaffey et al, 2012). The current advanced libraries have been turning out to be amazingly muddled frameworks in correlation with the customary wellsprings of library. In any case, various people have been utilizing the computerized libraries. This is because of the way that the foundation of computerized libraries help in making data accessible to the clients in an immediate way through the two sources, web and intranet (Johnson, 2009). Web and intranets are utilized for the spread of data, computerized libraries have been serving the crowds in the more extensive setting (Cannings, 2013). In basic words, it very well may be expressed that the clients of advanced library appear to have further extent of inconstancy regarding their abilities , information and foundation. Here, can be cited as an encounter that I had while perceiving an issue. I couldn't search for Note II Galaxy, Samsung cell phone from the site of the organization. I even attempted to look over the changed classifications yet I was unable to discover it. I expected to buy the telephone and made a computerized library platforming empowering me to get to accessible information legitimately with the assistance of web and intranet accessibility. Quest for Information Advanced Library is alluded to as spotlight being made on gathering the computerized source that can be including video material, sound material, visual material and text, being put away as the organizations of electronic media, alongside the sources to sort out, store, and recover the media and records comprising the assortment of library. There are various varieties in the wellsprings of advanced libraries as for extension and size, and there can be support by associations, people, or affiliations with the created physical structures of library or scholarly establishments (Fishbein, 2006). Dominant part of the computerized libraries are centered around giving an interface of search that permits the accessibility of assets. In the common sense, these assets are imperceptible web or profound web as more much of the time, the area of these gets troublesome by the crawlers of web index (Turner, 2012). Dominant part of the computerized libraries have been making site maps or exceptional pages for permitting the web indexes for finding every single asset accessible. There are two fundamental methodologies that can be utilized to scan for combining the advanced libraries. These incorporate, looking through recently collected metadata, and conveyed looking. In the most ordinary sense, disseminated looking is known to include a customer that sends various solicitations of search that is in equal element of various administrations inside the league of advanced libraries (GHI, 2009). The social occasion of results should be possible, copies are grouped or killed, and the things that remained are introduced and arranged back towards the customers. On progressively visit premise conventions are utilized in the looking for dispersion. A bit of leeway corresponding to this methodology can be recognized as that the undertakings escalated towards assets to list and to store are left aside as for the related servers inside the course of alliance (Leifer, 2008). An inconvenienc e towards this specific methodology is the instruments of search is confined by the shifting ordering and abilities being positioned of every single database, hence, to make it hard for collecting a blend of results that comprise of the above all accessible things. There are various guidelines that are giving direction to the advanced organizations for redoing their existences on the web (Weiser, 2009). Subsequently, it very well may be expressed that even the administration specialists have been helping the associations in improving the experience of the clients. More noteworthy positive thinking with respect to the total scene of business has brought about greater financial plans of advertising. Looking over the metadata gathered beforehand at, incorporates looking through record that is put away privately identified with the data, the assortment of which has been done already from the libraries inside the extent of the companys site for clients. In the most run of the mill sense, the processing gadgets at the site of the organization comprise of significant components, for example, the dividers of communication among items and administrations present for buy, for example, tablets, tabletops, PDAs and methods of collaboration, for example, various touch, pen, substantial or gestural information. When there is execution of search, for example, on account of , the instruments of search shouldn't make any associations with the libraries in advanced structure being searched for, it as of now is by all accounts having a portrayal in its nearby structure identified with the data (Fishbein, 2006). This specific methodology will require the ordering being made and system being reaped that is directing procedure on normal premise, making associations with every single advanced library and to scrutinize the whole assortment for making revelation of refreshed and new assets (Katina, 2013). On visit premise, this is utilized by the libraries of advanced source so as to permit that there is reaping of metadata. A favorable position regarding this methodology is that the instrument of search has unlimited oversight over positioning and ordering calculations, with the likelihood to permit more consistency in the outcomes. An impediment is that the ordering and reaping frameworks are exceptionally escalated towards assets and consequently, recognized as being costly. Pre-Interaction of Alternatives With changes in the structure and presence of the computerized world, the experience of clients must be considered as being basic in nature (Lusted, 2011). The experience of client has been turning into an incredibly well known element in the scene of computerized understanding. Be that as it may, as advertisers of the advanced world, there is absence of lucidity in review the experience of client, and how this experience brings about influencing the work being finished by the advertisers. The experience of computerized clients ought not exclusively be considered as the interface for the advertisers (Fishbein, 2006). Mixed connection, another structure of idea that can be considered for clarifying when the UIs are being seen by the clients, as being normal or not similarly as on account of Mixed communication is utilized at the organization and it contributes in giving an exceptionally precise and novel depiction concerning the qualities of collaborations occurring between the PC and the human. In the specific sense, the thought identified with reasonable mixes can be utilized for clarifying how clients have their unwavering quality over the genuine and natural world idea, at whatever point there is understanding for utilizing the new innovations of computerized structure (Leifer, 2008). The spaces of communication are viewed as universal situations of figuring for a joint effort that is upheld by the clients, which follows the base and the prior abilities are improved that incorporate psychological, social, spatial and engine aptitudes identified with the gatherings of clients (Turne r, 2012). In the most regular sense, the registering gadgets, for example, the dividers of cooperation, tablets, tabletops, advanced mobile phones and procedures of association, for example, different touch, pen, unmistakable or gestural info, are coordinated into the foundation of non-computerized practices of work and the conditions of work like libraries, structure studios, and meeting rooms (Fishbein, 2006). The objective is centered around the accomplishment of a preferably inconspicuous and nature backing of calculation in the term of collective undertakings and exercises like dynamic, examination, ideation or introduction (Sigfusson et al, 2013). The temperances identified with advanced and physical ancient rarity are in mix with the ideal properties for the accomplish
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Revolutions and Dreams free essay sample
A matured release of Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities, surrounded in dull oak, is noticeably shown on the mass of my grandfather’s study. As a youngster, I would consistently run my fingers along the fine-grained wood and miracle why â€Å"Wai-gong,†who just talked negligible English, loved a book that he would never peruse. It was just when I was a ways into my youngsters that I started to comprehend its total centrality. During a visit to China one summer, I discovered that on the day my granddad got his degree from the renowned Tsinghua University, the Cultural Revolution devoured the school. Anything Western was censured and advanced education was banned. In the wake of being censured by one of his schoolmates for not communicating support for the upset, my granddad was set apart for â€Å"re-education.†In an unsafe move, one of his educators snuck him a vellum-bound duplicate of A Tale of Two Cities before he was crowded onto a decrepit transport set out toward country Anhui. We will compose a custom paper test on Upheavals and Dreams or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page For the following four years, my granddad would wake up at first light to begin a day of overwhelming homestead work at the work camp. What's more, consistently, under the front of haziness, Wai-gong would look over the book’s pages, their significance helping him to remember the goals that he concealed away. After at long last perusing A Tale of Two Cities, I increased an increasingly significant perception of the message that the educator passed on to my granddad, and my granddad to me. It is a message of the dangers that are associated with the quest for our objectives. The casing hangs as a tribute to the battles we have confronted and the a lot more that we presently can't seem to climate. My grandfather’s encounters have imparted in me the mental fortitude to look for a business profession that includes striking ventures and to step up and unite assorted societies. Spending my initial a very long time in Shanghai, I saw an alternate kind of revolutionâ€the break-neck pace of progress that changed fields of rice paddies into multi-celebrated places of business and business focuses. Seeing this development prodded my inclinations in the worldwide field; the quickly growing global market depicts unlimited prospects. With a concentration in global business, I look to utilize my training to help fashion interfaces between nations through trade. My drive is to interface the East and the West in a commonly useful organization, to carry understanding alongside headway. Business is a field that envelops numerous preliminaries and requires a steady soul unafraid of entanglements. Any achievement I accomplish is based upon the exercises gathered from the encounters of individuals like my granddad; their quality frees me from the dread of disappointment. I can hope against hope even with any affliction and challenge myself to go after the questionable.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Understanding the Role of Freuds Superego
Understanding the Role of Freud's Superego Theories Personality Psychology Print Understanding the Role of Freuds Superego By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on October 01, 2019 Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Blend Images/Getty Images More in Theories Personality Psychology Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology According to Freuds psychoanalytic theory of personality, the superego is the component of personality composed of the internalized ideals that we have acquired from our parents and society. The superego works to suppress the urges of the id and tries to make the ego behave morally, rather than realistically. When Does the Superego Develop? In Freuds theory of psychosexual development, the superego is the last component of personality to develop. The id is the basic, primal part of personality, that is present from birth. Next, the ego begins to develop during the first three years of a childs life. Finally, the superego starts to emerge around the age of five. The ideals that contribute to the formation of the superego include not just the morals and values that we have learned from our parents, but also the ideas of right and wrong that we acquire from society and the culture in which we live. The Parts of the Superego In psychology, the superego can be further divided into two components: the ego ideal and the conscience. The ego ideal is the part of the superego that includes the rules and standards for good behaviors. These behaviors include those that are approved of by parental and other authority figures. Obeying these rules leads to feelings of pride, value, and accomplishment. Breaking these rules can result in feelings of guilt. The ego ideal is often thought of as the image we have of our ideal selvesâ€"the people we want to become. It is this image we hold up as the ideal individual, often modeled after people that we know, that we hold up as the standard of who we are striving to be. The conscience is composed of the rules for which behaviors are considered bad. When we engage in actions that conform to the ego ideal, we feel good about ourselves or proud of our accomplishments. When we do things that our conscience considers bad, we experience feelings of guilt. The Goals of the Superego The primary action of the superego is to suppress entirely any urges or desires of the id that are considered wrong or socially unacceptable. It also tries to force the ego to act morally rather than realistically. Finally, the superego strives for moral perfections, without taking reality into account. The superego is also present in all three levels of consciousness. Because of this, we can sometimes experience guilt without understanding exactly why we feel that way. When the superego acts in the conscious mind, we are aware of our resulting feelings. If, however, the superego acts unconsciously to punish or suppress the id, we might end up with feelings of guilt and no real understanding of why we feel that way. [The superegos] contents are for the most part conscious and so can be directly arrived at by endopsychic perception. Nevertheless, our picture of the superego always tends to become hazy when harmonious relations exist between it and the ego. We then say that the two coincide, i.e. at such moments, the superego is no perceptible as a separate institution either to the subject himself or to an outside observer. Its outlines become clear only when it confronts the ego with hostility or at least with criticism, wrote Anna Freud in her 1936 book, The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense. The superego, like the id, become perceptible in the state which it produces within the ego: for instance when its criticism evokes a sense of guilt, she went on to explain.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Metamorphosis Analysis - 848 Words
In the short novel The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, the novel revolves around the transformation of the protagonist, Gregor Samsa. Gregor wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into an insect, and becomes the main conflict and driving force of the novel. Beyond being a driving force within the book, the transformation in which Gregor undergoes being a literal challenge in his life and his family’s, it serves as an allegorical narrative on isolation. Gregor spends the rest of his life in this state, in to which my personal reaction, surprised me with the way he accepts his life and death. To begin with, the novel revolves around the protagonist, Gregor Samsa, being turned into a giant insect. In the text Kafka writes, â€Å"Gregor†¦show more content†¦This part of the text demonstrates the way Samsa is being isolated as he begins to lose all of his human characteristics by not being able to speak, and has no choice to do anything but so. This represents the element of isolation in the novel, but Kafka also brings in the narrative also being about being different from everyone else. In the text the author says,†If he could only understand us, then perhaps we could come to an arrangement with him. But as it is.. It’s got to go.†(40). From this quote it is pretty simple to conclude that being different not only isolates him, but makes him unwanted because he is different from before and unlike the rest of the family, or anyone at that. The father also had a similar reaction to the mother when the the narrator writes,†That set his mother off screaming anew, she fled from the table into the arms of his father as he rushed towards her.†(17). This, like the mother demonstrates the parents reaction the transformation of the son and how he is in between being cared for and not being relevant at all in their eyes. With gregors deteriorating condition and rise of mistreatment amongst his own home and loved ones, gregor comes to a consensus on his life. In the novel Grete says,†Father, Mother, we can’t carry on like this †¦ I don’t want to call this monster my brother, all I can say is thatShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Metamorphosis1501 Words  | 7 PagesBeveridge, A. (2009). Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Advances in psychiatric treatment, 15(6), 459-461. This brief article is written from the psychiatric perspective, pointing out that Kafka has always been of great interest to the psychoanalytic community; this is because his writings have so skillfully depicted alienation, unresolved oedipal issues, and the schizoid personality disorder and The Metamorphosis is no exception to this rule. While this writer tends to think that psychiatrists shouldRead MoreAnalysis Of The Metamorphosis 854 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis of the Metamorphosis The Metamorphosis can be analyzed in many different ways. One way that could be looked into is why exactly Gregor is turned into an insect. There are many things that he could have changed into, like a monkey or a bird for example. But Kafka makes it obvious that Gregor is a bug although he never says what kind. Bugs can be, more or less, controlled, considered useless, and gross. To call a person a bug means they can bend easily to another’s will and are expendableRead MoreMetamorphosis Analysis1503 Words  | 7 Pagesmost wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.†20th century novelist, Franz Kafka would agree with such a statement as he strongly despised capitalism and its faults. In his celebrated short story, Metamorphosis, Kafka explores the cruelty and exploitations of capitalism through the eyes of Gregor Samsa. ironically, he also represents capitalism to further illustrate its barbarity. Kafka’s use of ir ony is significant for it leaves the readers confusedRead MoreAnalysis Of Metamorphosis826 Words  | 4 Pages Metamorphosis, written by Franz Kafka, is a novelette detailing the life of a young man named Gregor and his family, which include his sister, Grete, and his parents. Gregor is a traveling salesman who has an overbearing manager and extremely long hours. He is unhappy with his job due to these circumstances and the fact that he is not able to make any friends. One morning Gregor wakes up and is suddenly a beetle instead of a normal human. The life of everyone in the household is flipped upsideRead MoreEssay on Analysis of The Metamorphosis1033 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of The Metamorphosis This story The Metamorphosis is about Gregor, a workaholic, who is changed into an insect and must then deal with his present reality. The hardest part of being an insect for him was the alienation from his family, which eventually leads to his death. In reading the short story The Metamorphosis, (1971),one can realize how small the difference is between Magical Realism and Fantastic. This literature written by the Austrian, Franz Kafka, is often debated overRead MoreAnalysis Of The Metamorphosis Essay1390 Words  | 6 Pagesan attempt to distance oneself from an undesirable event or occurrence. It can also range from an overt set of actions as a person is changed, to willful ignorance, malicious or otherwise, of an individual’s dreams or goals. Franz Kafka’s â€Å"The Metamorphosis†, in which the main character, Gregor Samsa, awakens to find himself changed, contains several obvious examples of this dehumanization. He has become vermin of some kind, no longer even human. Deprived even of basic human form, and transfiguredRead MoreMetamorphosis Analysis1142 Words  | 5 PagesFranz Kafka’s â€Å"The Metamorphosis†is about the dehumanization of a man named Gregor, when he wastes his life monotonously repeating the same task every day to support his uncaring family. The lack of purpose in his life is an example of absurdist fiction, a genre of fictional narrative that uses satire and irrationality to explore the human experience of meaninglessness. Furthermore, â€Å"The Metamorphosis†uses aspects of magical realism, such as transformation of common, distortion of time and lossRead MoreThe Metamorphosis Analysis1682 Words  | 7 PagesIn The Metamorphosis, Kafka establishes, through h is religious imagery and gospel-esque episodic narration, the character of Gregor Samsa simultaneously as a kind of inverse Messianic figure and a god-like artist, relating the two and thus turning the conventional concept of the literary hero on its ear. The structure of the novel reflects that of the Gospel of Mark in that it is narrated in individual events, and in this it is something of a Kà ¼nstlerroman - that is, the real metamorphosis is overRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Metamorphosis 1422 Words  | 6 PagesElaina Faerber, Hannah Lindsey, Jake Sims Mrs. De Oro Hon, English 12A Pd 3 19 October 2015 Literary Analysis Essay-Rejection When individuals are rejected by family and society, they tend to feel abandoned and unloved. In Franz Kafka’s, The Metamorphosis, Gregor’s transformation into a â€Å"monstrous vermin†(Kafka 1) results in him being psychologically and even physically abused by his family. Rejection from his mother, sister, and father leave Gregor feeling unwanted and feeling as if he is a terribleRead MoreMetamorphosis Analysis1761 Words  | 8 PagesFranz Kafkas The Metamorphosis is so strikingly absurd that it has engendered countless essays dissecting every possible rational and irrational aspect of the book. One such essay is entitled Kafkas Obscurity by Ralph Freedman in which he delves down into the pages of The Metamorphosis and ferrets out the esoteric aspects of Kafkas writing. Freedman postulates that Gregor Samsa progresses through several transformations: a transformation of spatial relations, a transformation of time, and a
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Joseph Christian Leyendecker Shades Of Colors And Lines
Joseph Christian Leyendecker – Shades of Colors and lines Joseph Christian Leyendecker a German-American Illustrator and Painter emigrated to Chicago in 1882 from Germany at the age of sixteen with his parents. He studied under John H. Vanderpoel One of his paintings titled â€Å"With Admiral Togo Off Port Arthur†, a medium of oil on canvas with the framed dimensions of 31 x 23 x 2 inches, and unframed 27 1/8 x 19 inches. This painting was started in September of 1903 but not quite sure when the finished painting was completed. Another painting of J.C. Leyendecker’s work, titled â€Å"Kellogg’s Kid, girl 8-10, a medium of oil on canvas with dimensions of framed 21x 20 x 1 inches and unframed 17 x 16 1/8 inches was painted in 1916. Both paintings†¦show more content†¦Above the admiral is the shaded the battleship’s battery with large caliber guns sticking out. The name of Collier’s is painted large orange letters with black outline and the title is painted thin black letters traced in orange. The â€Å"Kellogg’s Kid†girl 8-10 painting shows the confidence of the painter. The background of the painting is black bringing out the figure of the child, like a three d painting. The lighting giving the illusion that the child is closer to you. Her hair is blonde with highlights of white streaks, the wispy strands of hair shown on both sides of her apple cheek face. Her complexion is like a milky white with tones of brown shadowing her neck and hands. Her fingers have a pinkish tone to give the impression that she is holding tight to her off white bowl as she pours the milk from a creamer spout into the both bowl of yellow and orange tone for the cereal with red strawberries. The flat plate under the bowl, bowl and creamer stand out with the color of orange painted around the edges. On her apple check face, shades of orange are on both cheeks and on lips. Her smile and soft edged coloration teeth blended together. It’s almost impossible not to look at Leyendec kers’ paintings in amazement. Both paintings were created in the historical context of the Progressive Eras, 1896-1916. Where the widespread of activism and political reform were taking place. The main objective was to eliminate the corruption in government.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Project Communications Plan Free Essays
Critical Thinking – Module 2 Project Management November 11, 2012 Project Communications Plan The three websites that I researched for this critical thinking assignment were: 1) Colorado. gov; 2) Dot. ca. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Communications Plan or any similar topic only for you Order Now gov and 3) interop. mt. gov. The topic that was most similarly discussed was the importance of implementing a communication plan both internally and externally in any type of project management. Colorado. ov noted that â€Å"28% of projects fail due to poor communications, that’s 1 out of 4 projects fail due to poor communications†(Jones, 2007). This site went on to speak about the top reasons projects fail includes poor communication, insufficient resource planning, unrealistic schedules and poor project requirements. The California Department of Transportation website noted that project communication includes general communication between team members but is more encompassing. It utilizes a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for a framework of communication that is customer and product focused with the end in mind, and it involves all levels of the organization†(Office of Project Management Process Improvement, 2007). This organization also believes that Project Communication is the responsibility of everyone on the project team. The Interoperability Governing Board for Montana’s communications planning first determines the information and communications needs of the stakeholders. This includes identifying who needs what information, when they should receive it, and how it will be provided. Identifying the information needs of the stakeholders and determining a suitable means of meeting those needs is an important factor for project success. â€Å"Actively managing stakeholders increases the likelihood that the project will not veer off track due to unresolved stakeholder issues, enhances the ability of persons to operate synergistically, and limits disruptions during the project†(Northrop Grumman Corporation, 2007). The main subject of all these sites I researched came down to the importance of effective communication, and stating that it is the most important ingredient for project success. Participation, understanding, and the ability to adapt the project – all of which require well? functioning communication ? are critical to the end result of the project. Build a Management-driven Communication Culture Internal communication planning is one of the most neglected areas of strategic planning. Most companies spend a great deal of money and effort on their external communication plan but fail to expend any energy toward creating an organized plan for internal communication (Roehler, 2007). Determining what should be communicated to staff, when it should be communicated, and how it should be communicated is often left up to the decision of individuals made when there seems to be a need. In other words internal communication strategies are developed, reactively, when there is a crisis or major event that clearly requires addressing communication issues. Where communication is planned out, it is often around upheavals like major corporate or organization change, layoffs and downsizing, and technological change. However, once the initiating focus has been eliminated communication tends to go back to an unorganized jumbled process (Bacal, 2008). It is a bit of a mystery why this occurs, but there is no question that strategic internal communication planning can be a proactive approach to building a better, more directed and efficient workforce. Communication is a key component in coordinating and tracking project schedules, issues, and action items. The plan maps out the flow of information to different stakeholders and becomes an integral part of the overall project plan (Gray Larson, 2011). Implementing a well thought out communications plan will help manage expectations regarding the project, ensure methods used for communication will be most effective, and assure appropriate levels of communication with internal and external project stakeholders. In addition, well laid out communication plans provide relevant, accurate, consistent information at all times, and most importantly, generate and sustain enthusiasm and support for the project. References Bacal, R. (2008). Internal communication strategies. Performance Management and Appraisal Help Center. Retrieved from http://www. prpundit. com/knowledge/employee%20communications/Internal%20Communications. pdf Gray, C. F. , Larson, E. W. (2011). Project management: The managerial process (5th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN-13: How to cite Project Communications Plan, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Confidentiality and Privacy Controls for Digital Signatures
Question: Discuss about theConfidentiality and Privacy Controls for Digital Signatures. Answer: Introduction This chapter includes the two important aspects: Maintaining confidentiality of organization. Secrecy of personal information. Confidentiality For preserving the confidentiality following actions are to be taken: Information Identification and classification- Information identification is the first step after that classification is done which is the responsibility of owners of information as per COBIT 5 and not security personnels. Encryption- It is the most effective method for protecting information. It is the process of converting the text into cipher text; vice versa case is called as Decryption. Access controls levied on information- Authentication and authorization are initial control access and thus are not sufficient to protect the same and thus additional controls are levied. Information rights management and Data loss prevention tools are used. Employees training- Training is provided to employees for protecting client data and maintaining confidentiality. Privacy Any unauthorized leak of information may lead to infinite loss for which privacy controls are implemented. Encryption is an effective control for ensuring privacy in which information is encrypted both at the time of sending and storing. It saves organization from loss as well as monetary effect due to loss. Privacy Concerns: Spam It is an unsolicited email which contains offensive or advertising content. It not only affects the efficiency but also results into viruses, malware, worms and other spyware programs. Controls such as CAN-SPAM Act (2003) were introduced. Under these law penalties of both civil and criminal is imposed on violation of law. It includes the following provisions- Display of sender identity in the header should be clearly presented. Subject should evidently classify the message as advertisement or solicitation. Main content should contain list of recipients with a working link for Opt-out requests for which organization shall place the responsibility. It is an ethical practice to have valid address. Organizations are advised to design their own websites and not send any commercial email to any email address. Identity Theft It is defined as unauthorized use of someone personal information for perpetrators benefit. It may lead to financial crime by looting the clients bank account or medical theft by manipulating the reports of the client leading to some life threatening diseases or tax identity threat in which the fraudsters file an invalid return of refund. So it is an ethical and moral practice to safeguard the client information and provide safeguard against such threats. Following 10 best practices are adopted by the organization Management - By assigning responsibilities and accountability to a specific group of persons to follow proper policies and procedures for protecting customers information. Notice - A notice is provided to clarify the type of information collected, reason associated and using the same. Choice and consent- Individuals are provided with choice and consent to be taken before using their information. There are two approaches called as opt-in and opt-out. GAAP suggests to use opt in approach. Collection- Only collecting that information which is needful. Cookie is a text file which contains the tasks which user has done on site and it is stored in hard disk. Use and retention- Policies should be formulated to ensure that the use of information as stated in privacy policy and retain only till when it is required for business purpose. Access Access to add delete modify the information. Disclosure to third parties- Disclosure shall be made only when policies of organization allows. Security- Use of preventive, detective and corrective controls. Quality- By ensuring integrity of information this target can be achieved. Monitoring and enforcement- Continuous monitoring is required of the stated policies and enforcement of policies is required. Encryption System and its types Factors influencing are key length, encryption algorithm and various policies for managing cryptographic keys. These are of 2 types: Symmetric and Asymmetric systems. In symmetric there is the use of same key for encrypt and decrypt but in asymmetric there are 2 keys that is public and private key. Loss of keys for both is a threat. Hashing A plain text is converted into a short code which is called as Hash. Difference between hash and encryption is encryption produces cipher text whereas it produces only short code and encrypted data can again be decrypted but code cannot be converted again to plain text. Hashing maintains the integrity of data and is unique for each function. Digital Signatures It is defined as authentication of documents as a replacement of physical signature. It is a two-step process in which first hash is created and then the same is decrypted by private key and this is how digital signature is authenticated. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) VPN may be defined as a technology used to create a safe and encrypted connection over internet. It is a privately owned connection without bearing the costs of leased line. It is only assessable to those who have encryption and decryption keys.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Pre-Trip Inspections Essay Essay Example
Pre Pre-Trip Inspections Essay Essay Pre-Trip Inspections Essay Essay Road accident is a major security concern in the main roads. There are several causes of route accidents but the unexpected events in our roads are ever blamed on the driver. This is because it is assumed that the driver is in full control over the vehicle. However. the major causes of route slaughter in any portion of the universe include mechanical jobs and failures in the vehicle. bad main road designs. unequal route care or foolhardy drive or a combination. It is unfortunate to observe that despite the high figure of people diing on the roads. the route accidents can be prevented to some degree. The Department of Transport every bit good as the jurisprudence enforcement bureaus has made several efforts to implement traffic regulations in order to cut down the figure of route slaughter and related deceases. One of these steps has been the debut of pre-trip review. This paper will analyse the different facets and importance of pre-trip review as a safety step. Pre-Trip Inspection The pre-trip reviews are compulsory demand by the Department of Transport as one of the steps to cut down route slaughter. However. this regulation is one of the most profaned regulations by commercial vehicle drivers today. Furthermore. bulk of the members of the populace are incognizant of these demands. Majority believes that a pre-trip review is an review done by the driver before he or she gets behind the wheel but that is non true. All commercial vehicle drivers are required by the jurisprudence to transport out and log a pre-trip and post-trip review as stipulated in the Highway Traffic Act. A commercial vehicle is designated as any vehicle deliberation over four and half tones. a public service vehicle with a capacity greater than eleven including the driver or a school coach. Pre-trip review of commercial vehicles is carried out by the driver before the first trip every twenty-four hours. In some instances. one trip may take several yearss. In such instances. the pre-trip review must be done before the trip starts and subsequent reviews should be done non later that each remainder halt ( Broemsen. 2009 ) . The review demands by the Department of Transport require that the driver of a commercial vehicle should be satisfied that the vehicle is in good operating status before the start of the trip. The driver can merely be assured of the safety of the vehicle on the route if he or she reviews the last driver study on the status of the vehicle. The driver is expected to subscribe the study to bespeak that he reviewed the study and all the reported mechanical mistakes have been repaired. A commercial vehicle driver can merely be satisfied that the vehicle is in good working status if all the indispensable accoutrements of the vehicle are in order. This includes the brakes. brakes connexions. manus brakes. maneuvering wheel. headlamps. signals. wipers. driving mirrors. tyres and matching devices. Some of these accoutrements such as mirrors need to be checked any clip during the trip whenever the vehicle is parked ( Federal Register. 2006 ) . Safety of the vehicle. lading. the driver and other route users is an of import ground why the Department of Transport enforces pre-trip review. The jurisprudence therefore requires the truck driver to guarantee that all the exigency equipments are in order during the review. The driver is considered to hold committed traffic offense incase he or she fails to utilize the exigency equipment whenever there is demand. Many commercial vehicles are involved in the transit of lading. Inspection of the lading on board and the lading security system is of import before the start of the trip. The thrust should guarantee that the weight of the lading is good distributed and the security devices are in order ( Federal Register. 2006 ) . Different organisation or conveyance companies may hold different policies to better the safety and care of their commercial vehicles. Regardless of such policies. the Department of Transport requires that the driver must determine that the vehicle is in good running status before the start of the first trip. The Highway Traffic Act requires that the driver present a legible written study to the necessary authorization after the trip review. However. this is seldom done. The study should incorporate the description of the vehicle such as the home base figure. the dawdler towed or the unit figure depending on the organization’s policies. The day of the month of review and the mechanical defects noted if any should besides be recorded on the study. In instances where there are no defects or safety concern that have been noted by the driver. he or she is expected to do a statement to that consequence. The study is valid with the signature and name of the driver or the person who was responsible for the review ( Broemsen. 2009 ) . If the driver or the inspector detects or suspects any defect or safety concern. he or she should describe to the relevant authorization in conformity with the organisation or company policies. However. if the defect noted is of sensible safety concern. this should be reported instantly and the relevant steps to rectify the job be taken before the trip can get down. The jurisprudence farther requires that a driver of any commercial vehicle should hold the current transcript of the review study of the vehicle and the dawdler if any at all clip. The advantages of such pre-trip can non be underestimated. Checking the conditions of the vehicle before the start of the trip is cost effectual and increases safety. This is as a consequence of decreased holds as a consequence of dislocations which save on the cost every bit good as important decrease of accidents in the roads as a consequence of mechanical jobs that can easy be rectified before the start of the trip. By following the systematic process of review provided by the section of conveyance. the driver or inspector will transport out an effectual review within a really short clip ( Sulek. 2005 ) . A commercial vehicle such as a truck tractor can cover 1000s of stat mis without dislocations or doing sensible holds to the driver if it is taken attention of decently. Pre-trip review is one of the basic processs that are recommended for proper attention of the vehicle. The basic importance of this review is the cost saved by the conveyance company or the organisation if the guidelines are followed to the latter. Inspection ensures that the investing of the company is protected and the live of the drivers every bit good as other route users are non at hazard. Effective review ensures that common booby traps associated with the conveyance industry which are by and large expensive are avoided which saves on the running cost ( Broemsen. 2009 ) . In any conveyance concern. the greatest cost incurred by the proprietors is the care cost. It is dearly-won for the proprietor of the commercial vehicle to replace worn out parts every bit good as paying the cost of fix. The cost is much higher when the concern lost during unneeded dislocations is considered. Every clip a commercial vehicle is out of the route as a consequence of dislocations that can be avoided. the truck proprietor loses money. This in many instances leads to interrupt of the full concern in the long tally due to the associated loses. Any experient commercial vehicle driver or proprietor is cognizant of the fact that preventative steps are really of import in commercial vehicles operations if they have to remain in concern and do net income. This is true even without sing the increased safety as a consequence of timely review of the vehicles ( Sulek. 2005 ) . It is apparent that effectual pre-trip review prevents the happening of accidents and dislocations. It is considerable safer and cost effectual to mend a minor mistake detected during review that mending a monolithic dislocation on the route which may be associated with other uncalled for costs such as accidents and incommodiousnesss. Pre-trip review gives the driver the assurance in the conditions of the vehicle and the likeliness of being involved in accident as a consequence of mechanical dislocation is reduced significantly. It is estimated that bulk of accidents affecting commercial vehicles are as a consequence of mechanical dislocations and can easy be avoided by review to observe the lack before the start of the trip ( Sulek. 2005 ) . Following the pre-trip review guidelines for all commercial vehicles is hence non of import merely because it is a legal demand but is an of import process that ensures that the investing. the driver and other route users are safe. It saves on cost every bit good as lives. The commercial vehicle driver driving a faulty vehicle wittingly or unwittingly should be cognizant of the fact that he or she portions the route with other automobilists and walkers and is seting their lives at hazard ( Broemsen. 2009 ) . In a nutshell. it is a traffic offense punishable by the jurisprudence for any commercial vehicle driver to drive on the route holding non conducted the pre-trip review as stipulated in the Department of Transport counsel. The driver is apt for prosecution in a tribunal of jurisprudence if he is found driving a commercial vehicle without a transcript of the review sheet. However. as stated earlier. this is one of the most profaned compulsory ordinances in the traffic regulations and the jurisprudence hatchet mans do non see this jurisprudence every bit of import as it is expected. It is of import to observe that during the pre-trip review. the driver has over two 100 things to look into on the commercial vehicle if the review has to be effectual. This is non to state that the pre-trip review is likely to take the better portion of the driver’s twenty-four hours. The review can take less than 30 proceedingss which is much less compared to the cost of the safety hazards and dislocations incase it is non done. Even an extended review by the relevant authorization ever takes less than one hr and includes mechanical review every bit good as review of the drivers report among other things ( Broemsen. 2009 ) . One of the most of import facets the driver needs to look into is the conditions of the Surs. Cost related to tyres’ jobs is the largest individual dislocation disbursal in conveyance concern. It accounts for more than a 3rd of the care cost of commercial vehicles. It is hence really of import for the driver to pass considerable sum of clip guaranting that the Surs are in good working status before the start of the trip and during the trip whenever the vehicle is parked. Nine out of 10 commercial vehicles dislocations are caused by under hyperbolic Surs ( Federal Register. 2006 ) . Under hyperbolic Surs besides contribute to cut down lifetime of the Sur by up to a 3rd. Under hyperbolic Surs are besides responsible for fuel inefficiency and heat buildup. The driver should besides inspect the Sur togss. tear and wear which is irregular and clefts and take the necessary steps. Proper working Surs guarantee the cost of dislocations is decreased and safety is enhanced ( Federal Register. 2006 ) . Brake failure is a major cause of accident in both commercial and non commercial vehicles. Checking the interrupting systems on a regular basis is hence an of import facet of commercial vehicle review. The criterion every bit good as the parking brakes should be in good on the job conditions before the driver is satisfied to get down the day’s trip. The sum of liner should be sensible and the systems should be maintained in conformity with the guidelines. This counsel requires the driver to look into that the force per unit area systems are in good working status including the rate of gas linkage. The rate of force per unit area build up and low force per unit area sensing systems should be proper in order to give timely dismay. However. the most important cheque for the interruption systems is the fluid leakages. This is the first and most of import review a commercial vehicle driver needs to look into which can be easy noticed by fluids on the land around the vehicle. This should be followed by look intoing the coolants. fluids and oil degree in the goon ( Federal Register. 2006 ) . It is of import to guarantee that all the gages such as temperature. force per unit area. fuel and oil gages are in good on the job status. No driver in his right head can bury to look into the fuel degree instantly after turning on the vehicle. Checking the electric systems of the vehicle is an every bit of import facet of vehicle review to determine safety. The warning visible radiations. turning signals. brake signals. headlamps every bit good as the doorbells should be in good order to avoid uncalled for minor accidents due to hapless communicating with other drivers on the route. In general. the full electric constituent of vehicle should be in good on the job status. Frayed or lose wires are safety jeopardies because they can be easy exposed and possible cause fire as a consequence of short-circuiting which may be really hazardous particularly if the lading in extremely inflammable ( Federal Register. 2006 ) . Decision Due to the big figure of route slaughter in the roads affecting commercial vehicles. for the safety of the investing. the lading or riders. the driver and other route users. it is of import to guarantee that all safety steps are taken. One of the most of import safety steps is to guarantee that the vehicle is in good on the job status. The driver demand to guarantee that the truck has no mechanical mistakes by conductivity a pre-trip review. This is a demand by the jurisprudence though it is one of the most profaned mandatary traffic Torahs. Reference Broemsen. M. ( 2009 ) . Commercial Truck Maintenance: The Importance of a Pre-Trip Inspection. retrieved on 10th May 2010 from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. goarticles. com/cgi-bin/showa. cgi? C=1598113. Federal Register ( 2006 ) . Title 49 – Transportation system: Department of Transportation Parts 300 – 399. ISBN 1577857763. ProStar Publications. Sulek. J. M. A ; Lind. M. R. ( 2005 ) . â€Å"Fail-Safe Methods for Paratransit Safety. †Journal of Public Transportation. Vol. 8. No. 4. pp 65-66
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
UNIFICATION IN GERMANY&IN ITALY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
UNIFICATION IN GERMANY&IN ITALY - Essay Example A cobbler can serve his people but he cannot dominate them in any way. In his speech, Otto von Bismarck laments on the Socialist Law. He said that socialist law should ensure the lives of workers are improved and protected. Citizens should be allowed to self-defense themselves and also help them when they are dissatisfied. Bismarck blamed the social democratic leaders for anxiety to rule citizens without satisfying them. He said his stand is to support absolutist government. He also laments that, it is the responsibility of the state to workers from any accidents that may occur. The state should also protect the workers when they become old. The state should control the private stock companies in order to ensure that workers are not exploited by the employers. Another objective of the state according to Bismarck is to protect the helpless citizens in the society. Bismarck also talked about the way people understand freedom. He said that people have used freedom to mean dominance of the free people over others. He gave an example of freedom of speech which he said that it gives the speaker freedom to dominate. He also said that freedom of church gives priests chances to dominate. He urged that freedom perspective should be changed for the better. This is one of the unifying factors that Bismarck used to unify Germany. John Leighton talks about commune in Paris. In this document, he talks about the centralized nation state that Otto von Bismarck and Lincoln had proposed. A revolt occurred in this nation and French National Guard was sent to suppress but they did it differently. They murdered some of their officers and joined. They later decentralized the area. John talks about the commune. He is complaining to the landlord concerning their responsibilities. He says that without a tenant, landlord would not be gaining any more. Therefore, landlord should be aware of the status of his or her tenants and treat them correctly. Tenants were
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Describe and explain the experiences of African colonial subjects Essay
Describe and explain the experiences of African colonial subjects during either or both of the world wars - Essay Example Unconditional possession of these colonies provided imperial powers with the manpower that kept the promise of making their rulers richer and stronger because of their natural resources and enabling them to wage war anywhere in the world (Anon, 2012). Europe rationalized its colonization of Africa as their moral duty to lift Africans from their primitive stage of civilization. Rulers built on the preoccupied ideas of people travelling to Africa and established the need to make African civilized. Europeans always saw African from their cultural prism, moreover, their preoccupation with skin color and physical attributes made these ideas even stronger (Anon, 2012).Therefore, even great contributions during the World War I and World War II could not win acknowledgement for colonial African soldiers. In an effort to rise above prejudice, this paper briefly explores the contributions of colonial African subjects during both of the World Wars. World War I World War I is considered to be tr uly a world war due to diverse military action and participation of people from five continents of the world. African colonized countries and subjects were specifically influenced by the results of WWI (AHA, n.d.).World War I imparted a profound and many-sided impact on colonies. The Balkan confrontation transformed into a general European war in mid-1914 and turned into an extra-European dimension because a few confronting states were considered to be the most powerful colonial powers. Just after the breakout of war, fights started in many parts of the world and most of the territories were conquered by the Entente power very soon. German African colonies were defended by African soldiers and German officers called 'Schutztruppen'. South Africa invaded the German South West Africa on behalf of the Entente powers that triggered problems for South Africa itself; however, 11,500 Anglophobe Boer people joined German side as a result of rebellion (Koller, 2008, p.111). The most prominen t and early reaction was the anger that is raged throughout African colonies due to conscription of mostly young African colonial subjects into European armies. However, the war had even more critical consequences. African subjects came to know that their masters are nothing but ordinary humans like themselves. African subjects expected rewards and compensation from their rulers for providing services to them. The compensation was expected in the form of money, and social and constitutional changes that can transform their lives back home. It triggered a hope amongst African subjects and made them realize that they deserve to be treated in a better way. Educated African subjects followed President Wilson's invitation to acknowledge the government on the basis of their national determination. The term refers to the idea that people should be free in their respective political boundaries (AHA, n.d.). Colonialist Powers Mission During World War I, European empires conscripted nearly 19 2,000 Senegalese Tirailleurs from sub-Saharan Africa who were sent to the Western Front in Cameroon, Turkey, and Togo. In particular, the French prized their possession of troupes indigenes as their assault troop on their battle front. In this Great War, approximately 30,000 to 31,000 African subjects lost their lives, several others were wounded, and some returned to their colonies as disabled for life(Mann, 2006, pp.16-17). Moreover, the French had planned the recruitment of one
Monday, January 27, 2020
Italian Market Entry By Superior Chocolate Marketing Essay
Italian Market Entry By Superior Chocolate Marketing Essay Superior Chocolate (SC) is a UK based producer of high quality organic chocolates. The firm has three product lines, namely (a) block chocolate, (b) chocolates for special occasions and (c) speciality chocolates. All chocolates are produced with high quality organically grown ingredients. Whilst the company is far smaller in size than the global and regional market leaders, the firm has established market presence in the UK, the USA and Australia and production facilities in the UK and Australia. The company has adopted a comprehensive marketing strategy for (a) improvement of competitive advantage by improvement of financial strength, and (b) expansion into other markets, in both emerging and developed countries. SC is now actively examining the potential of different foreign markets for entry and expansion, from various business perspectives. Objectives This study aims to investigate and analyse the potential of the Italian market for entry by Superior Chocolate. The study entails the conduct of a focused situation analysis of the Italian market and an examination of the various routes for entry. Such analysis and examination is followed by appropriate recommendations and a concluding section. 2. Analysis of Italian Market The analysis of a national market for purposes of entry and expansion by foreign business organisations is a complex and multi-dimensional task that involves assessment of various market factors, environmental conditions, extent of competitiveness and existing opportunities and threats (Gilligan Wilson, 2005, p 48-51). This study focuses on important market factors in order to produce a representative snapshot of existing conditions and to thereby facilitate decision making on entry and expansion options. Market Analysis Whilst Belgium and Switzerland are globally known for the excellence of their chocolate making skills, chocolates are extremely popular in most European countries and both the UK and Italy have strong chocolate markets (Mintel, 2010, p 1-2). Chocolate consumption in the UK at approximately 600,000 tonnes per year is however much more than that of Italy, which consumes approximately 215,000 tonnes every year (RTS Resource Ltd, 2010, p 1-2). The consumer expenditure on chocolates in European countries in 2007 is detailed in the chart provided below. Consumption of Chocolates in Europe (RTS Resource, 2010, p 1) Information obtained from various surveys and reports lead to the following conclusions about existing market conditions in Italy and other European countries. Expansion of the chocolate market in the immediate future appears to be limited because of low population growth forecasts, depressed economic conditions and competition from other snacks and indulgences. The market is reaching saturation level and much of its growth is coming from market segments rather than from total expansion. The market is in a state of maturity and growth is less than 1% every year. Marketing experts feel that European chocolate sellers should try to improve their market shares by (a) exploiting the health properties of chocolate, (b) engaging in product differentiation through use of shapes, ingredients and packaging, (c) increase in brand diversification, (d) introducing low calorie and low sugar products, and (e) developing the super premium sector. Whilst opportunities do exist in the chocolate market, they are becoming increasingly difficult to find because of increasing market competition and fragmentation (RTS Resource, 2010, p 2). Environmental Analysis Careful environmental analysis of target markets enables prospective market entrants to understand the various environmental features that are different, in small or large measure, in such target markets from those of their existing markets. An understanding of such differences helps organisations in shaping their entry strategies (Hooley, et al, 2008, p 81-86). Such environmental analysis is normally carried out through the examination of political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal aspects in line with the well known PESTEL format (Hooley, et al, 2008, p 81-86). It is however unlikely that any significant political, environmental and legal issues could cause concerns about the entry of Superior Chocolate in Italy because both Italy and the UK are governed by EU regulations and norms. SC should thus, for purposes of environmental analysis, focus mainly on economic and social issues (Mintel, 2010, p 1-2). Italy is an advanced and affluent nation with an annual GDP of 1.74 trillion USD and a per capita income of 29,900 USD. The ongoing economic recession has however hurt the Italian economy significantly and both annual GDP and per capita income have reduced significantly from 2007 levels. Future growth prospects are also not very optimistic and the country expects to face bleak economy conditions for some years to come. Such depression in economic conditions has obviously led to reduction of discretionary incomes, losses of jobs and decrease in consumer spending (Central intelligence, 2010, p 2-3). The consumption of chocolates has however not been affected, even though the segment has not shown any significant growth in the last two years (Mintel Snapshotà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦, 2010, p 4-9). Whilst such trends provide reason for some optimism, continuance or worsening of economic conditions could well lead to reduction in demand and consumption of chocolates in Italy. Italy is an ageing society and with the death rate exceeding the birth rate, the population of the country is decreasing steadily. The average age of the country, at approximately 44 years, is higher than the average European age and significantly higher than that of the UK. With consumption of chocolates being associated with children and young people, the growing average age of the country could lead to stagnation or even reduction in demand for chocolates in future. Italian society is also culturally very different from that of the UK (Central intelligence, 2010, p 2-3). Italians are fiercely proud of their history, society and culture and tend to be ethnocentric in their choice of products. This is even more pronounced in personal preferences like clothes and food. Research has conclusively revealed that greater levels of ethnocentricity by and large lead to preferences for local products, thereby making it difficult for foreign companies to enter and expand in such markets (Arvi dsson, 2003, p 34-39). Porters Five Forces Analysis Porters Five Forces Model provides a useful tool for the analysis of the extent of competitiveness in a particular industrial or sector. Such analysis is done by investigation of five specific market forces, namely (a) the extent of rivalry between market participants, (b) the power of buyers, (c) the power of sellers, (d) the potential threat from new entrants, and (e) the threat from substitutes (Porter, 2008, p 7-15). The extent of competition between market participants is intense. As a strong consumer of chocolates and cocoa products, the Italian chocolate market is crowded by global, regional and local suppliers. With Belgium and Switzerland being geographically proximal, numerous chocolate producers from these countries service the Italian market. The power of buyers is very high because of the numerous choices available to them. The power of suppliers is however low because the ingredients used for production of chocolates are essentially generic in nature and freely available. Chocolates are an easy entry business area in terms of investment and technology and the threat from new entrants, especially those of local origin is high. With new developments in foods and snacks occurring frequently, the threat from substitutes is also high. It is evident from the above analysis that the market for chocolates in Italy is not just sophisticated, mature and slow growing, but also intensely competitive in nature. Areas of Opportunity Whilst the market for chocolates in Italy is undoubtedly slow-growing and intensely competitive, the popularity of chocolates among western populations is an undeniable fact. Italy, with a consumption of more than 200,000 tonnes per year is the fourth largest consumer of chocolates in Europe (Mintel Snapshotà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦, 2010, p 4-9). Such a strong market undeniably provides opportunities for new entrants. Superior Chocolate, with its range of high quality chocolates produced with organically grown ingredients will essentially target the premium segment of the product. It should be able to find strong niche opportunities through careful differentiation of product qualities and carefully chosen marketing and distribution strategies. Consumption of chocolates is now being associated with a range of medical benefits and chocolates could in future become a strongly recommended consumption product for ageing populations (Stibich, 2009, p 1-2). Such changes in consumption patterns could be significantly important for the ageing Italian population and lead to strong growth in chocolate consumption in future. It is important to note that Italy just about one third of the chocolate consumed in the UK, even though its population is practically 80% of that of the UK. Increase in per capita consumption levels of chocolates in Italy to those of the UK can lead to significant market expansion and cr eate substantial market opportunities for Superior Chocolate. Entry Routes International expansion and marketing not only requires very careful analysis of market situations and business environment but also an appropriate choice of entry strategy. Business firms wishing to enter new markets can choose from a range of alternatives starting with direct export of products to importers in target markets to appointment of franchisees, setting up of joint ventures or investment in fully owned facilities (Kotler, et al, 2008, p 71-77). The choice of entry routes is shaped by a number of external and internal considerations like existing production capacity, distance of target market from current production centres, cost of investment in production facilities in target locations and local environmental considerations (Kotler, et al, 2008, p 71-77). Most organisations that supply non-perishable products to proximal countries choose direct exports as the favoured mode of entry and support such exports by strong local marketing and distribution facilities (Hooley, et al, 2008, p 81-86). Whilst direct exports could facilitate the entry of Superior Chocolate into the European market, the additional freight and cold chain costs could well make the firmà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s products uncompetitive in the long run, especially in comparison with competitors in proximal countries or those who have local production facilities. SC must essentially aim to establish its captive production facilities in Italy, even though it can initially enter the market through direct exports. Such a medium term strategy will not only enable it to be more competitive in terms of costs and prices but will also enable it to adapt and customise its products in line with local preferences. The company must, if such a strategy is adopted, decide between putting up its own facilities and entering into a joint venture with a local business firm for production and manufacture of chocolates. The decision to set up own facilities in foreign countries, whilst keeping full control of the business within the organisation, is however far more difficult to implement because it calls for detailed environmental and cultural knowledge of the target market. The adoption of the joint venture route on the other hand entails entering into a partnership with a local organisation for sharing of investments, management control, responsibilities and profits of the proposed business (Adcock, 2000, p 35-42). Whilst joint ventures require mutual understanding, collaboration and a spirit of give and take and beneficial partnership, they enable foreign companies to associate with local business organisations and take advantage of their knowledge of local environmental, social and cultural condit ions (Adcock, 2000, p 35-42). 3. Recommendations The foregoing analysis of market and environmental conditions leads to the inescapable conclusion that the Italian market for chocolates, whilst strong and with potential for good future growth, is at present increasing very slowly and is furthermore fragmented and intensely competitive. With the Italian economy experiencing a prolonged period of economic downturn, Superior Chocolate will have to face and overcome intense competitive challenges and difficult market conditions in order to establish and expand its product line. The demanding market and environmental conditions, coupled with the ethnocentric social and cultural environment, call for the careful selection of entry strategy. It is recommended that the firm should engage in planned market activity and enter into an agreement with a strong, reliable and well known local business firm for production and sale of chocolates. Such a strategy will enable SC to obtain extensive information about local market realities and customer preferences and adopt appropriate business strategies. Market leaders like McDonalds, KFC and Mark and Spencer are using the joint venture route successfully to expand their operations in foreign locations. Superior Chocolate will also benefit from adopting such an entry route. 4. Conclusions Superior Chocolate is a UK based producer of high quality organic chocolates. The firm has three product lines, namely (a) block chocolate, (b) chocolates for special occasions and (c) speciality chocolates. The company has adopted a comprehensive marketing strategy for (a) improvement of competitive advantage by improvement of financial strength, and (b) expansion into other markets, in both emerging and developed countries. This study investigates and analyses the potential of the Italian market for entry by the company. The analysis makes use of a focused situation analysis of the Italian market and an examination of the various routes for entry for its final recommendations. The analysis of market and environmental conditions leads to the inescapable conclusion that the Italian market for chocolates, whilst strong and with potential for good future growth, is at present increasing very slowly and is furthermore fragmented and intensely competitive. The demanding market and environmental conditions, coupled with the ethnocentric social and cultural environment, call for the careful selection of entry strategy. It is recommended that the firm should first enter the market through direct exports and thereafter enter into an agreement with a strong, reliable and well known local business firm for production and sale of chocolates. Such a strategy will enable SC to obtain extensive information about local market realities and customer preferences and adopt appropriate business strategies.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Biological Theories of Aging
Aging is a biological phenomenon all the living things are undergoing. We are not sure about anything in the world except the aging. We are approaching getting nearer to the death from the time of the birth onwards. No living thing in the world has the ability to defeat death as it occurs sometimes naturally and sometimes accidently. Aging has different dimensions like physical, psychological, and social. There are many biological theories with respect to aging.Simple Deterioration, Non-programmed Aging and Programmed Aging, Autoimmunity theory, Free radial theory, Telomerase Theory of Aging etc are some of them. This paper briefly explains some of the biological theories of aging mentioned above. Aging: Simple Deterioration Theory/ Wear and tear theory Simple Deterioration Theory argues that Aging is the accumulative result of universal deteriorative processes such as oxidation, molecular damage, wear and tear, or accumulation of adverse byproducts (Goldsmith, p. 3). Even though man and machine are two entirely different things, both of them have certain similarities in their functioning.No machine is able to function more than particular period of time because of the wear and tear due to continuous work. Same way bodies of the living things are also undergoing continuous work which causes damages to the parts of the body. Even though we refill the fuels in the form of food, nutrients and water, there are certain limitations for the body of the living things to survive for a longer period. In chemistry, most of the chemical reactions yield products and by-products. These by-products are not necessarily the intended one.Same way our body chemistry also yields different by-products which are harmful to our health and may reduce our life span. At the same time we cannot avoid the production of such by-products Aging: Non-programmed Aging Theory Non-programmed theory of aging believes that aging is a passive result of an organism’s inability to better resis t fundamental deteriorative processes. Moreover aging serves no purpose, is not an adaptation, and is not programmed (Goldsmith, p. 8). Our body is undergoing lot of changes and processes virtually in very seconds. Most of the activities inside our body are beyond our control.For example, the pumping of blood by the heart is not done with our permission. We cannot stop any of the internal functions. Everything inside our body is tuned to do certain things and any malfunctions occur inside our body may result in diseases. We are passive observers of our body functions. Aging: Programmed Aging Theory â€Å"Organisms are purposely designed and genetically programmed to age or otherwise limit life span because the deterioration and life span limitation serves an evolutionary purpose†(Goldsmith, p. 9). It is unimaginable to think of a world without death for living things.The earth might not be able to give shelter to all the living things if death was not there. So as part of th e natural evolution process, nature has programmed death; natural and accidental to all the living things. August Weismann (1834–1914), the great German theorist and experimental biologist of the 19th century, was one of the first biologists to use evolutionary arguments to explain aging. His initial idea was that there exists a specific death-mechanism designed by natural selection to eliminate the old, and therefore worn-out, members of a population.The purpose of this programmed death of the old is to clean up the living space and to free up resources for younger generations (Gavrilov &Gavrilova) Aging: Autoimmunity theory This theory argues that our body has the tendency to reject its own tissues with the increasing age (Biological theories of aging, p. 21). For example, it is difficult for the older people to take heavy foods because of digestion problems. Moreover, it is a fact that we are losing many hairs and skin and nail cells periodically. In other words, our body has the tendency to reject certain things as time passes.Free radical theory Free radical theory says that certain chemical compounds in our body does damage which accumulates to produce aging (Biological theories of aging, p. 22). Our body is just like a factory. We know that a factory can produce lot of industrial wastes and these wastes can sometimes affect the functioning of the factory. Same way our body also produces lot of harmful wastes. Some of them will be released through, stools, urines, and sweats. But most of the harmful wastes will be accumulated at some part of the body like Kidney. Kidney stone is a common disease occurring in many people.Kidney failures can cause problems to the blood purification purpose and death can happen. Telomerase Theory of Aging Discovered by scientists at the Geron Corporation, Telomerase Theory of Aging argues that telomeres (the sequences of nucleic acids extending from the ends of chromosomes), shorten every time a cell divides. This sh ortening of telomeres is believed to lead to cellular damage due to the inability of the cell to duplicate itself correctly. Each time a cell divides it duplicates itself a little worse than the time before, thus this eventually leads to cellular dysfunction, aging and indeed death (Kleinsek Ph.D. ) We have the ability to either accelerate or slow sown the DNA damage. Those who have the ability to slow down the DNA damage may live much longer than those who have not such abilities. DNA can be repaired using artificial means up to certain extent which can delay the death. But under no circumstances, it is possible to avoid death as per the researches and findings till now. Conclusions Aging is a natural phenomenon incorporated to all the living things by nature in order to find spaces for the coming generation.Even though there are many biological theories are there with respect to aging and death, all of them unanimously agree that death is inevitable.Works Cited 1. â€Å"Biologica l Theories of Aging†. 16 March 2010. 2. Gavrilov Leonid A and Gavrilova Natalia S. 2002. â€Å"Evolutionary Theories of Aging and Longevity†. 16 March 2010. 3. Goldsmith, Theodore. C. 2009. â€Å"Theories of Biological Aging†. 16 March 2010. 4. Kleinsek, Don Ph. D. â€Å"Theories of Aging†. 16 March 2010. http://www. antiaging-systems. com/agetheory. htm |
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Dell Jit
Dell – Supply Chain Management Case Study 1 Case Contents 1. Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2 2. Dell – Company Overview †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 2 3. Dell Products and Services †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 3 4. Dell – Key Facts †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 5. Dell Timeline†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 6. Dell – Business Segment Information†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 6 7. Dell’s Evolving Supply Chain Strategy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 7 7. 1. Typical Working of Dell’s Supply Chain †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 7 7. 2. Five key strategies in Dell’s successful Direct Model †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 7 7. 3. A supply chain with old technology is of little value â € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 8 8. Restructuring at Dell †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 8. 1. New Distribution Channels – Direct Model and Retail Strategy †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 8 9. Integrating the Supply Chain †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 9 This case study covers the following issues: 1. Examine and analyze Dell’s Direct model, its basic working, success and future challenges 2. Typical Working of Dell’s Supply Chain and future supply chain challenges 3. Highlights Dell’s evolving Supply Chain practices and strategy and steps being taken by it to recapture its lost market leader positionCase Study Keywo rds: Dell, Direct model, Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Strategies, Build-to-order model, Inventory optimization, PC Manufacturing, Retail Distribution Channel, HP, Notebook computers, Desktop personal computers, Competitive Business Strategies, Sustaining competitive advantage, Michael Dell 1 Please note: This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. Accuracy of information cannot be guaranteed. Please do not copy without permission.  © casestudyinc. com 2008 1. Introduction Dell thinks about their offerings as microprocessors, disk drives and frames-per-second graphics. But consumers just want a computer they can be proud of when they show it to their friends, listen to music, watch videos and do office work†– Christian Terwiesch, a Wharton professor Dell has been following its unique ‘direct build-to-order’ sales model for more than 20 years. Customers can plan their own configu ration and place orders directly with the company via the phone or its Web site. Over the years, Dell’s supply chain efficiencies and direct sales gave it a competitive advantage.In 2006 however, Dell faced several problems. Many customers complained about long delays in supplies. Recall of Sony battery cells in its laptops brought undesirable media hype to the company. Increasing discontent of customers led to a slowdown in sales. Consequently, Dell lost its market leadership to HewlettPackard Co. (HP). Industry analysts felt that, with Dell's competitors also improving their supply chains and matching Dell's direct model, the company had been losing its competitive edge. Dell will have to bear additional costs with its foray into retail distribution thereby minimizing its cost advantage.Besides, profit margins of Dell will drop further since it will have to offer incentives to compete with HP in retail stores. Though Dell spruced up its product design and range but Apple is clearly far ahead of it. Many experts feel that such new initiatives will only distract Dell from its supply chain operations. 2. Dell – Company Overview Dell is a leading technology company, offering a wide range of computer product categories. Its product categories include: desktop computer systems, mobility products (notebooks), servers, storage, software and peripherals, and services.Dell is the number one supplier of personal computers in the United States, and the number two supplier worldwide. Dell also offers various financing alternatives, asset management services, and other customer financial services. Dell has manufacturing locations worldwide. Dell’s build-to-order manufacturing model allows it to substantially reduce costs and at the same time offering customers the ability to customize their product purchases. 3. Dell Products and Services Product Lines and Brands Desktop PCs †¢ OptiPlex †¢ Dimension †¢ XPS †¢ Alienware †¢ Vost ro Servers and Networking PowerEdge and PowerConnectStorage Dell | EMC and Dell PowerVault Mobility XPStm and Alienware, Inspiron and Latitude lines of notebook computers Software and Peripherals Dell branded Printers, software titles, televisions, notebook accessories, networking and wireless products, digital cameras, power adapters, scanners, and other products Enhanced Services †¢ Infrastructure Consulting Services †¢ Deployment Services. †¢ Asset Recovery and Recycling Services. †¢ Training Services †¢ Enterprise Support Services †¢ Client Support services †¢ Managed Lifecycle services Financial Services Various customer financial services for business and onsumer customers in the U. S. through Dell Financial Services L. P 4. Dell – Key Facts Dell: Quick Facts Company Type Corporate Headquarters Revenues Industry Employees Manufacturing Facilities Distribution Product Lines Brands Major Competitors Business/Growth Strategy Key Executive s Name, (age),Designation Website Public (NASDAQ: DELL) Round Rock, Texas $57. 4 billion (fiscal 2007) Hardware, PC Manufacturing Approximately 90,500 total employees (Fiscal 2007) †¢ Brazil  El Dorado do Sul †¢ Florida  Miami (Alienware) †¢ North Carolina  Winston-Salem †¢ Ohio  West Chester †¢ Tennessee  Lebanon and Nashville Texas  Austin †¢ Ireland  Limerick and Athlone (Alienware) †¢ China  Xiamen †¢ Malaysia  Penang Worldwide †¢ Desktop PCs †¢ Mobility products †¢ Servers and Storage †¢ Software and peripherals and †¢ Services †¢ OptiPlex †¢ Dimension †¢ XPS †¢ Dell Precision and Alienware MJ-12 ® †¢ PowerEdge †¢ Dell PowerVault †¢ Inspiron †¢ Latitude †¢ HP †¢ Acer †¢ Lenovo Direct customer model Highly efficient manufacturing and logistics, and New distribution channels to reach custo mers Michael S. Dell (42) Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO Donald J. Carty (61) Vice Chairman and CFO Michael R.Cannon (54) President, Global Operations Stephen J. Felice (50) Senior VP and President, Asia Pacific-Japan Mark Jarvis (44) Senior VP, Chief Marketing Officer David A. Marmonti (48) Senior VP and President, EMEA www. dell. com 5. Dell Timeline Dell Timeline 1983 Michael Dell used to upgrade IBM compatible PCs in his spare. (He was a freshman at the University of Texas, Austin) 1984 Michael Dell established PC's Ltd with sales US$ 6 million in its first full year of operations 1985 Turbo PC, first computer introduced by the company. Turbo PC was advertised in computer magazines and sold directly to customers 993 Dell joins the ranks of top-five computer system makers worldwide 1996 Dell pioneers Internet sales with earnings approx 1 million dollars per day just seven months after launch of www. dell. com 1998 The company changed its name to Dell Computer Corporat ion 1999 Dell introduces E-support tool to provide online technical support 2000 Online sales continue to grow to $50 million per day 2001 Dell achieves No. 1 ranking on global market share 2003 Dell launches Dell Recycling initiative 2004 Inventory turnover rate in Dell was at 107 times a year, compared to 8. 5 times at HP and 17. times in IBM. 2005 â€Å"America’s Most Admired Company†– Fortune Magazine 2005, 2006 Dell faced several problems, and lost its position as the largest selling PC manufacturer to HP 2007 Dell announced that it planned to move most of its global supply chain and manufacturing operations to Singapore, which would function as the company's ‘shared headquarters 2007 Michael Cannon assumes responsibility as the Head of Global Operations Organization 2007 Michael Dell (Michael) returned as CEO on January 31, 2007 2007 Retail partnerships with Wal-Mart, Staples, Gome, Bic Camera and Carphone Warehouse 2007Dell launches the Direct2Dell corporate blog and other idea forums to listen and engage customers 6. Dell – Business Segment Information Dell conducts operations worldwide. Dell is managed in three geographic regions: †¢ †¢ †¢ Americas Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) Asia Pacific-Japan (APJ). Major Business Segment Based in Americas Round Rock, Texas EMEA Bracknell, England APJ Singapore Covers Business – sales to corporate, government, healthcare, education, and small and medium business customers U. S. Consumer – sales primarily to individual consumers and selected retail partners Covers Europe, the MiddleEast, and Africa. Covers the Asian countries of the Pacific Rim as well as Australia, New Zealand, and India 7. Dell’s Evolving Supply Chain Strategy Dell’s past performance has been the result of its direct customer model. Dell’s success is attributed to a constant focus on delivering directly to its customers, related technology and services a t the best value. Dell’s operations involve highly efficient manufacturing and logistics to lower the cost of technology. 7. 1. Typical Working of Dell’s Supply Chain Dell Supply Chain works as follows: 1. Customer places an order, either by phone or through the Internet on its website . Dell processes the order in 2-3 days by evaluating financial feasibility (credit checking) and technical feasibility (technical con? guration) 3. Dell processes the order to one of its manufacturing locations 4. These plants can put together, test, and package the product in about eight hours 5. Dell typically plans to ship all orders no later than ? ve days after receipt 7. 2. Five key strategies in Dell’s successful Direct Model Five key strategies in Dell’s successful Direct Model †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Rapid time to volume Built to order products Elimination of reseller markupsSuperior customer service and support Low inventory and capital investment 7. 3. A supply chain with old technology is of little value The direct model involves bypassing retailers and selling personal computer systems directly to customers. This helps avoid the delays and costs of an additional stage (holding inventory) in the supply chain. Typically, each technology component loses about 0. 5 to 2 percent in a rapidly changing environment. A supply chain with old technology is of little value. Dell maintained very little inventory and concentrated on pacing its products through its supply chain.This also meant that there was no question of selling old products at a discount. 8. Restructuring at Dell Dell failed to meet its quarterly financial forecasts. Consequently, Dell lost its market leadership to Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP). In order to settle a few accounting issues, the company decided to restate its financial results for the last four years. Michael Dell had to take the CEO’s responsibility again, replacing Kevin Rollins. Michael Dell felt th e importance of increasing the capacity, via the direct model, to manufacture close to its customer and fully integrate its supply chain into one global organization.To do so Dell had to innovate and adapt its supply chain model to help drive differentiated product design, manufacturing and distribution models. He began a series of restructuring exercises. 8. 1. New Distribution Channels – Direct Model and Retail Strategy While part of the restructuring involved cutting 8,000 jobs, or 10. 0% of its workforce, the biggest surprise was the move of Dell to complement its ‘direct sales model’ with sale of PCs through retailer channels as well. To reach even more customers globally, Dell launched new distribution channels to reach commercial customers and individual consumers around the world.This meant moving from a model of direct sales to making its goods available in stores across the world. This move allowed Dell to reach customers that it could not reach directl y previously. From June 2007, it started placing its products in the shelves of Wal-Mart and Sam's Club stores. In December 2007, Dell also announced that its Dell laptops and desktop computers will be sold through Tesco stores in Britain and Ireland as well as the high-growth eastern European markets of Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia. In U. S. Asia and Europe, Dell added Best Buy, WalMart, Staples, China's Gome Stores, Japan's Bic Camera, France's Carrefour and British phone retailer, Carphone Warehouse to sell its products at nearly 10,000 retail outlets worldwide. In December 2007, Dell also chose WPP, the world's second-largest marketing, media and communications conglomerate after Omnicom, to create a new agency that will handle $4. 5 billion in accounts over the next three years. Dell hoped that creating the agency would increase the time and money spent focusing on marketing and customers rather than pitching for the next project 9.Integrating the Supply Chain Earlier, Dell's manufacturing, supply chain and procurement activities functioned separately. Procurement functioned as a standalone unit, the regional business executives were in-charge of manufacturing, and supply chain was a part of the worldwide operations of the company. All Dell's factories had been managed regionally, and procurement functioned as a separate division. Michael aimed to integrate its supply chain and achieve higher efficiency and quality through Global Operations Organization (GOO). GOO is Dell's center for integrating its global manufacturing, procurement
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart - 1628 Words
Since the initial use of the literary device of tragic heroes, various renowned works of modern literature have implemented it. There are two types of tragic heroes Greek and Shakespearean. A Greek tragic hero is defined as a character of noble or high standing, who is destined for suffering, downfall, or defeat, due to forces outside of his control. A Shakespearean tragic hero is defined as a character of noble or high standing, who attempts to do the right thing, but in doing so â€Å"misses the mark†and does the wrong thing, ultimately bringing about his downfall. In many modern novels the existence of a tragic hero can be argued. An example is the postcolonial novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. The novel follows the struggles of a†¦show more content†¦In doing this he is not only freely choosing that but is also going against what he was told. A Shakespearean tragic hero is often attempting to do the right thing but â€Å"miss the mark†and does t he opposite. In Thing Fall Apart this is not the cause for the protagonist Okonkwo, when he kills Ikemefuna, the young boy sacrificed by Mbaino to Umofia to prevent war, he does it out of fear of being weak. Okonkwo not only kills Ikemefuna out of fear but he was earlier told by Ezeudo, is oldest man in the village, to not take part in his death. This shows that Okwnko committed this act of violence for self-gain as opposed to being the right thing to do. â€Å"He heard Ikemefuna cry, My father, they have killed me! as he ran towards him. Dazed with fear, Okonkwo drew his machete and cut him down. He was afraid of being thought weak†(Achebe 61). Achebe distinctly writes that when Ikemefuna runs towards Okonkwo he is fearful and he draws his machete and kills him. This displays that Okonkwo although high in rank is not a noble man. He has distanced himself from all things seen as weak or feminine in his society to the point where acts of violence are his responses to situatio ns where he is fearful. His actions in this part of the novel directly go against the definition of a tragic hero. In killing Ikemefuna in an attempt to appear courageous, Okonkwo carries out this action for self-assurance of his own strength but in doing so he displays his fearful nature. Okonkwo
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