Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Metamorphosis Analysis - 848 Words
In the short novel The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, the novel revolves around the transformation of the protagonist, Gregor Samsa. Gregor wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into an insect, and becomes the main conflict and driving force of the novel. Beyond being a driving force within the book, the transformation in which Gregor undergoes being a literal challenge in his life and his family’s, it serves as an allegorical narrative on isolation. Gregor spends the rest of his life in this state, in to which my personal reaction, surprised me with the way he accepts his life and death. To begin with, the novel revolves around the protagonist, Gregor Samsa, being turned into a giant insect. In the text Kafka writes, â€Å"Gregor†¦show more content†¦This part of the text demonstrates the way Samsa is being isolated as he begins to lose all of his human characteristics by not being able to speak, and has no choice to do anything but so. This represents the element of isolation in the novel, but Kafka also brings in the narrative also being about being different from everyone else. In the text the author says,†If he could only understand us, then perhaps we could come to an arrangement with him. But as it is.. It’s got to go.†(40). From this quote it is pretty simple to conclude that being different not only isolates him, but makes him unwanted because he is different from before and unlike the rest of the family, or anyone at that. The father also had a similar reaction to the mother when the the narrator writes,†That set his mother off screaming anew, she fled from the table into the arms of his father as he rushed towards her.†(17). This, like the mother demonstrates the parents reaction the transformation of the son and how he is in between being cared for and not being relevant at all in their eyes. With gregors deteriorating condition and rise of mistreatment amongst his own home and loved ones, gregor comes to a consensus on his life. In the novel Grete says,†Father, Mother, we can’t carry on like this †¦ I don’t want to call this monster my brother, all I can say is thatShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Metamorphosis1501 Words  | 7 PagesBeveridge, A. (2009). Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Advances in psychiatric treatment, 15(6), 459-461. This brief article is written from the psychiatric perspective, pointing out that Kafka has always been of great interest to the psychoanalytic community; this is because his writings have so skillfully depicted alienation, unresolved oedipal issues, and the schizoid personality disorder and The Metamorphosis is no exception to this rule. While this writer tends to think that psychiatrists shouldRead MoreAnalysis Of The Metamorphosis 854 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis of the Metamorphosis The Metamorphosis can be analyzed in many different ways. One way that could be looked into is why exactly Gregor is turned into an insect. There are many things that he could have changed into, like a monkey or a bird for example. But Kafka makes it obvious that Gregor is a bug although he never says what kind. Bugs can be, more or less, controlled, considered useless, and gross. To call a person a bug means they can bend easily to another’s will and are expendableRead MoreMetamorphosis Analysis1503 Words  | 7 Pagesmost wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.†20th century novelist, Franz Kafka would agree with such a statement as he strongly despised capitalism and its faults. In his celebrated short story, Metamorphosis, Kafka explores the cruelty and exploitations of capitalism through the eyes of Gregor Samsa. ironically, he also represents capitalism to further illustrate its barbarity. Kafka’s use of ir ony is significant for it leaves the readers confusedRead MoreAnalysis Of Metamorphosis826 Words  | 4 Pages Metamorphosis, written by Franz Kafka, is a novelette detailing the life of a young man named Gregor and his family, which include his sister, Grete, and his parents. Gregor is a traveling salesman who has an overbearing manager and extremely long hours. He is unhappy with his job due to these circumstances and the fact that he is not able to make any friends. One morning Gregor wakes up and is suddenly a beetle instead of a normal human. The life of everyone in the household is flipped upsideRead MoreEssay on Analysis of The Metamorphosis1033 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of The Metamorphosis This story The Metamorphosis is about Gregor, a workaholic, who is changed into an insect and must then deal with his present reality. The hardest part of being an insect for him was the alienation from his family, which eventually leads to his death. In reading the short story The Metamorphosis, (1971),one can realize how small the difference is between Magical Realism and Fantastic. This literature written by the Austrian, Franz Kafka, is often debated overRead MoreAnalysis Of The Metamorphosis Essay1390 Words  | 6 Pagesan attempt to distance oneself from an undesirable event or occurrence. It can also range from an overt set of actions as a person is changed, to willful ignorance, malicious or otherwise, of an individual’s dreams or goals. Franz Kafka’s â€Å"The Metamorphosis†, in which the main character, Gregor Samsa, awakens to find himself changed, contains several obvious examples of this dehumanization. He has become vermin of some kind, no longer even human. Deprived even of basic human form, and transfiguredRead MoreMetamorphosis Analysis1142 Words  | 5 PagesFranz Kafka’s â€Å"The Metamorphosis†is about the dehumanization of a man named Gregor, when he wastes his life monotonously repeating the same task every day to support his uncaring family. The lack of purpose in his life is an example of absurdist fiction, a genre of fictional narrative that uses satire and irrationality to explore the human experience of meaninglessness. Furthermore, â€Å"The Metamorphosis†uses aspects of magical realism, such as transformation of common, distortion of time and lossRead MoreThe Metamorphosis Analysis1682 Words  | 7 PagesIn The Metamorphosis, Kafka establishes, through h is religious imagery and gospel-esque episodic narration, the character of Gregor Samsa simultaneously as a kind of inverse Messianic figure and a god-like artist, relating the two and thus turning the conventional concept of the literary hero on its ear. The structure of the novel reflects that of the Gospel of Mark in that it is narrated in individual events, and in this it is something of a Kà ¼nstlerroman - that is, the real metamorphosis is overRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Metamorphosis 1422 Words  | 6 PagesElaina Faerber, Hannah Lindsey, Jake Sims Mrs. De Oro Hon, English 12A Pd 3 19 October 2015 Literary Analysis Essay-Rejection When individuals are rejected by family and society, they tend to feel abandoned and unloved. In Franz Kafka’s, The Metamorphosis, Gregor’s transformation into a â€Å"monstrous vermin†(Kafka 1) results in him being psychologically and even physically abused by his family. Rejection from his mother, sister, and father leave Gregor feeling unwanted and feeling as if he is a terribleRead MoreMetamorphosis Analysis1761 Words  | 8 PagesFranz Kafkas The Metamorphosis is so strikingly absurd that it has engendered countless essays dissecting every possible rational and irrational aspect of the book. One such essay is entitled Kafkas Obscurity by Ralph Freedman in which he delves down into the pages of The Metamorphosis and ferrets out the esoteric aspects of Kafkas writing. Freedman postulates that Gregor Samsa progresses through several transformations: a transformation of spatial relations, a transformation of time, and a
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Joseph Christian Leyendecker Shades Of Colors And Lines
Joseph Christian Leyendecker – Shades of Colors and lines Joseph Christian Leyendecker a German-American Illustrator and Painter emigrated to Chicago in 1882 from Germany at the age of sixteen with his parents. He studied under John H. Vanderpoel One of his paintings titled â€Å"With Admiral Togo Off Port Arthur†, a medium of oil on canvas with the framed dimensions of 31 x 23 x 2 inches, and unframed 27 1/8 x 19 inches. This painting was started in September of 1903 but not quite sure when the finished painting was completed. Another painting of J.C. Leyendecker’s work, titled â€Å"Kellogg’s Kid, girl 8-10, a medium of oil on canvas with dimensions of framed 21x 20 x 1 inches and unframed 17 x 16 1/8 inches was painted in 1916. Both paintings†¦show more content†¦Above the admiral is the shaded the battleship’s battery with large caliber guns sticking out. The name of Collier’s is painted large orange letters with black outline and the title is painted thin black letters traced in orange. The â€Å"Kellogg’s Kid†girl 8-10 painting shows the confidence of the painter. The background of the painting is black bringing out the figure of the child, like a three d painting. The lighting giving the illusion that the child is closer to you. Her hair is blonde with highlights of white streaks, the wispy strands of hair shown on both sides of her apple cheek face. Her complexion is like a milky white with tones of brown shadowing her neck and hands. Her fingers have a pinkish tone to give the impression that she is holding tight to her off white bowl as she pours the milk from a creamer spout into the both bowl of yellow and orange tone for the cereal with red strawberries. The flat plate under the bowl, bowl and creamer stand out with the color of orange painted around the edges. On her apple check face, shades of orange are on both cheeks and on lips. Her smile and soft edged coloration teeth blended together. It’s almost impossible not to look at Leyendec kers’ paintings in amazement. Both paintings were created in the historical context of the Progressive Eras, 1896-1916. Where the widespread of activism and political reform were taking place. The main objective was to eliminate the corruption in government.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Project Communications Plan Free Essays
Critical Thinking – Module 2 Project Management November 11, 2012 Project Communications Plan The three websites that I researched for this critical thinking assignment were: 1) Colorado. gov; 2) Dot. ca. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Communications Plan or any similar topic only for you Order Now gov and 3) interop. mt. gov. The topic that was most similarly discussed was the importance of implementing a communication plan both internally and externally in any type of project management. Colorado. ov noted that â€Å"28% of projects fail due to poor communications, that’s 1 out of 4 projects fail due to poor communications†(Jones, 2007). This site went on to speak about the top reasons projects fail includes poor communication, insufficient resource planning, unrealistic schedules and poor project requirements. The California Department of Transportation website noted that project communication includes general communication between team members but is more encompassing. It utilizes a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for a framework of communication that is customer and product focused with the end in mind, and it involves all levels of the organization†(Office of Project Management Process Improvement, 2007). This organization also believes that Project Communication is the responsibility of everyone on the project team. The Interoperability Governing Board for Montana’s communications planning first determines the information and communications needs of the stakeholders. This includes identifying who needs what information, when they should receive it, and how it will be provided. Identifying the information needs of the stakeholders and determining a suitable means of meeting those needs is an important factor for project success. â€Å"Actively managing stakeholders increases the likelihood that the project will not veer off track due to unresolved stakeholder issues, enhances the ability of persons to operate synergistically, and limits disruptions during the project†(Northrop Grumman Corporation, 2007). The main subject of all these sites I researched came down to the importance of effective communication, and stating that it is the most important ingredient for project success. Participation, understanding, and the ability to adapt the project – all of which require well? functioning communication ? are critical to the end result of the project. Build a Management-driven Communication Culture Internal communication planning is one of the most neglected areas of strategic planning. Most companies spend a great deal of money and effort on their external communication plan but fail to expend any energy toward creating an organized plan for internal communication (Roehler, 2007). Determining what should be communicated to staff, when it should be communicated, and how it should be communicated is often left up to the decision of individuals made when there seems to be a need. In other words internal communication strategies are developed, reactively, when there is a crisis or major event that clearly requires addressing communication issues. Where communication is planned out, it is often around upheavals like major corporate or organization change, layoffs and downsizing, and technological change. However, once the initiating focus has been eliminated communication tends to go back to an unorganized jumbled process (Bacal, 2008). It is a bit of a mystery why this occurs, but there is no question that strategic internal communication planning can be a proactive approach to building a better, more directed and efficient workforce. Communication is a key component in coordinating and tracking project schedules, issues, and action items. The plan maps out the flow of information to different stakeholders and becomes an integral part of the overall project plan (Gray Larson, 2011). Implementing a well thought out communications plan will help manage expectations regarding the project, ensure methods used for communication will be most effective, and assure appropriate levels of communication with internal and external project stakeholders. In addition, well laid out communication plans provide relevant, accurate, consistent information at all times, and most importantly, generate and sustain enthusiasm and support for the project. References Bacal, R. (2008). Internal communication strategies. Performance Management and Appraisal Help Center. Retrieved from http://www. prpundit. com/knowledge/employee%20communications/Internal%20Communications. pdf Gray, C. F. , Larson, E. W. (2011). Project management: The managerial process (5th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN-13: How to cite Project Communications Plan, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Confidentiality and Privacy Controls for Digital Signatures
Question: Discuss about theConfidentiality and Privacy Controls for Digital Signatures. Answer: Introduction This chapter includes the two important aspects: Maintaining confidentiality of organization. Secrecy of personal information. Confidentiality For preserving the confidentiality following actions are to be taken: Information Identification and classification- Information identification is the first step after that classification is done which is the responsibility of owners of information as per COBIT 5 and not security personnels. Encryption- It is the most effective method for protecting information. It is the process of converting the text into cipher text; vice versa case is called as Decryption. Access controls levied on information- Authentication and authorization are initial control access and thus are not sufficient to protect the same and thus additional controls are levied. Information rights management and Data loss prevention tools are used. Employees training- Training is provided to employees for protecting client data and maintaining confidentiality. Privacy Any unauthorized leak of information may lead to infinite loss for which privacy controls are implemented. Encryption is an effective control for ensuring privacy in which information is encrypted both at the time of sending and storing. It saves organization from loss as well as monetary effect due to loss. Privacy Concerns: Spam It is an unsolicited email which contains offensive or advertising content. It not only affects the efficiency but also results into viruses, malware, worms and other spyware programs. Controls such as CAN-SPAM Act (2003) were introduced. Under these law penalties of both civil and criminal is imposed on violation of law. It includes the following provisions- Display of sender identity in the header should be clearly presented. Subject should evidently classify the message as advertisement or solicitation. Main content should contain list of recipients with a working link for Opt-out requests for which organization shall place the responsibility. It is an ethical practice to have valid address. Organizations are advised to design their own websites and not send any commercial email to any email address. Identity Theft It is defined as unauthorized use of someone personal information for perpetrators benefit. It may lead to financial crime by looting the clients bank account or medical theft by manipulating the reports of the client leading to some life threatening diseases or tax identity threat in which the fraudsters file an invalid return of refund. So it is an ethical and moral practice to safeguard the client information and provide safeguard against such threats. Following 10 best practices are adopted by the organization Management - By assigning responsibilities and accountability to a specific group of persons to follow proper policies and procedures for protecting customers information. Notice - A notice is provided to clarify the type of information collected, reason associated and using the same. Choice and consent- Individuals are provided with choice and consent to be taken before using their information. There are two approaches called as opt-in and opt-out. GAAP suggests to use opt in approach. Collection- Only collecting that information which is needful. Cookie is a text file which contains the tasks which user has done on site and it is stored in hard disk. Use and retention- Policies should be formulated to ensure that the use of information as stated in privacy policy and retain only till when it is required for business purpose. Access Access to add delete modify the information. Disclosure to third parties- Disclosure shall be made only when policies of organization allows. Security- Use of preventive, detective and corrective controls. Quality- By ensuring integrity of information this target can be achieved. Monitoring and enforcement- Continuous monitoring is required of the stated policies and enforcement of policies is required. Encryption System and its types Factors influencing are key length, encryption algorithm and various policies for managing cryptographic keys. These are of 2 types: Symmetric and Asymmetric systems. In symmetric there is the use of same key for encrypt and decrypt but in asymmetric there are 2 keys that is public and private key. Loss of keys for both is a threat. Hashing A plain text is converted into a short code which is called as Hash. Difference between hash and encryption is encryption produces cipher text whereas it produces only short code and encrypted data can again be decrypted but code cannot be converted again to plain text. Hashing maintains the integrity of data and is unique for each function. Digital Signatures It is defined as authentication of documents as a replacement of physical signature. It is a two-step process in which first hash is created and then the same is decrypted by private key and this is how digital signature is authenticated. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) VPN may be defined as a technology used to create a safe and encrypted connection over internet. It is a privately owned connection without bearing the costs of leased line. It is only assessable to those who have encryption and decryption keys.
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